There are many ways to keep your lawn lush and beautiful. Colonial Outdoor Solutions can install an irrigation system that will give you the best looking lawn on the street.
Automatic Sprinkler Systems
This system is ideal for anyone who doesn’t have time or forgets to water the lawn. With the automatic sprinkler system, you set a time, day and duration when you want the lawn watered. This is optimal during the hot summer days when the heat is unbearable to water the lawn. Colonial Outdoor Solutions can assure there is little to no mess to clean up after.
Benefits to Automatic Sprinkler System:
- Cost effective
- Helps Conserve Water
- Tailored To Your Schedule

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At Your Door Step!
If you don’t want to install a new irrigation service on your lawn, but need annual maintenance, Colonial can upgrade and protect your sprinkler system against weather damage. The cold weather can create damage to your existing system. Prepare and protect your system before the next cold temperatures return.